Cryptorsy Blog

Flow BreakDown đź’Ž

Hey cryptopreneurs! The Cryptorsy team is on the line!

Today we’re going to treat a breakdown of a famous project on the web3 market: FLOW. Let’s decompose all their stuff and find the answer to the question: “Do they have strong marketing and firm technology behind the project?”

Each of our breakdowns starts with the landing page to get more info about their marketing and the possibility of bringing value through marketing tools (such as landings).

But what is FLOW?

FLOW is a fast, decentralized, and developer-friendly blockchain designed as the foundation for a new generation of games, apps, and digital assets that power them.

And how does it work? FLOW pipelines the work of a blockchain miner or validator across four different roles; all require staking and separation of concerns that significantly reduces redundant effort.

Good? Now, let’s jump into the details and figure out what it all means.



Once you land on the website, you see only the brand name- FLOW- and a video behind it. On the latter, the team explains how their product is a game changer for the whole future and touches everything literally: sport, art, business, lifestyle, and more.

If you’re good enough at creating a short video that explains your value for the first secs - you’ll get a jackpot (and we can see that guys from FLOW did that).

Flow is designed for Web3 applications that need great user experience, whether NFTs, gaming, Metaverse, or even decentralized finance.


After some product promo, we had to know who had participated there. And we confirmed through social evidence that huge brands feel a firm trust in them.

Could UFC, NBA, or even SAMSUNG have made the wrong choice?


As we always told you, the key to the success door is making people believe in your project. How does FLOW do that? They’re trying to bring eco-value to the market and make you think their technology is life-saving. Their selling point for this belief is speed, ecology saving-oriented, simplicity, and selling you the future.

Bravo, FLOW! Social marketing’s now working on you!


An unbreakable offer; FLOW has a $750M Ecosystem Fund, which is excellent. And the thing is, they bring so much value to their audience as their dev team builds our future as a blockchain. It'd be hard to find excellent back-end support, But FLOW offers such a super-smart blockchain that now has more than 600 products in the scope, and support in different areas from funding, to the advisory.

So, why shouldn’t it be a FLOW ecosystem?

You, as a marketer, cryptopreneur, or investor, have to know that the real unicorns born in the vast industries will increase in the future because they are firm things we can’t live without. And I guess FLOW wants to say to us: we bring the end to the table, and you WIN in every scenario, whoever you can be.


This screen sells us a non-turned-out idea, and if you’re smart, you have to choose this system (like something: robust, future-oriented, scalable, smart, and convenient for you). You can also check out a lot of helpful staff and details there: from the FLOW client library to the Cadence; Smart Contracts to the Human readable security. It seems like FLOW knows their customer intimately well and shoot snipers. Fascinating!


Guys like FLOW are probably better working more with content on the website to make it more alive because every landing has to sell the trust. Testimonials are also made so smooth. Also, we don’t see any information about the company in the footer (besides community), which isn’t good because I shouldn’t have to waste time finding it; every crucial data should be visible to me.

Сonclusions about the website: Remember that your website is one of the most significant parts of marketing activities in any project.
You, as a viewer, can come through a lot of helpful information where everything is clear and understandable. You can also check a few internal pages about different topics.
I can’t say that the FLOW package is on the highest level I’ve seen, and the way guys deliver information is so fascinating.

We can give FLOW 8/10 points on the Cryptorsy scale. It still lacks a well-planned structure, vitality, and just a couple of use cases. But FLOW is probably too famous not to be recognized by anyone, and its primary goal is to increase trust toward the product it achieved.


Community is a massive thing for every crypto project, and you have to pay attention as well because, without a community, it will be hard to still grow on the market. ****So, what can we see about FLOW’s Twitter?

PROFESSIONALISM: This is the only word that comes to mind because we can observe a lot of activity on their Twitter, from social evidence to just laughing at something, reposts of famous brands to related content for the builders. I love the way how they communicate with the audience. Even when FLOW has 182K followers, they are trying to launch different activities, like workshops and many others, and that’s cool!

There’s also a powerful flow of activities; FLOW drops to the communities. It’s also evident that the community is pretty alive and engaged. How did they create this atmosphere inside? My experience reveals a few tools:

  • Viral content creating
  • Community activity services launching
  • Smart moderating and running through different topics, where everybody can pin opinion for free
  • Decomposing different segments of the target audience: artists, builders, collectors, etc.
  • Routine activities inside the community.
  • Memes and fun stories (these are the best ones for creating a good atmosphere inside the community).

Also, we can see that some pretty famous names have subscribed to FLOW communities, meaning it’s worth their attention and smart brains believe in this technology.

Let’s be honest; FLOW has built an excellent ecosystem for the new web3 future, and this technology plays a vital role in the marketing game. But we want to drop you the main elements which make FLOW’s position better from day to day from a marketing perspective.


A robust referral system for everybody participating in the FLOW’s ecosystem. Imagine that FLOW gives 500 FLOW tokens for every referral. That’s a powerful launch that’ll bring vast amounts of the audience to the FLOW ecosystem. Now they have more than 300K active members due to referrals.

Content-marketing. We can observe many content marketing activities that aim to scale their organic reach goals. And a lot of efforts were put from FLOW’s side to make the own whole library for:

  • Users (collectors, artists, builders)
  • Crypto enthusiasts
  • Advisors
  • Consultants
  • Newbies who have entered the space

And guess what? It shows pretty excellent performance because of having relevant content for every request in our heads to be successfully solved by FLOW’s range.

I suppose FLOW has perfectly drawn its content marketing strategy to be an entertainment hub for the audience and not just a super-smart-high-future technology that nobody can understand.

PR. We can observe many reads, articles, interviews, and success stories about FLOW on the Internet. You’ll probably make a mistake trying to attract traffic with that tool. PR works more for the increasing trust level of the brand. Well-positioned text and senses, turning around FLOW reads mean the massive influence of the market.

If you want to be a successful project on the market, among many SCAMS, volatility, and short-term riders, please try your best to prove your long-term vision and decisively about being here for years because you have a product game changer.

Let’s see how FLOW’s team works with that

Listen, it has a lot of chances to deliver to the audience in the proper sense. There are just a couple of examples, but the FLOW team works well in scaling that. TRUST. TRUST. TRUST.

Influencers Collaboration

You may know that collaborations with influencers are a perfect tool for rapid growth. But you have to pick them smartly, without debt. You have to pay attention to what you’re working with and the kind of content you want to deliver to your audience (we have enough reads to stay educated about that on the Cryptopsy blog).

FLOW is doing this perfectly because they’re scaling the market through the relevant crypto bloggers or collaborating with huge brands such as UFC, NBA, SAMSUNG, and others. Many audiences are coming to them through this funnel, so they probably have a good team in the PR & Influencers collab departments.

If you want to launch the perfect influencers collab but not for all the money in the world, download our ebook ( or leave your request on our website and we’ll do this for you!

Offline Events and Workshops for all Crypto Audiences

FLOW aims to get acquainted with new members and tied to their ecosystem, or just pre-warm existing audiences to make them ready to go with the flow. It’s like an auto-content-pre-warmed funnel, which they are implementing so well.

Pretty Generous Hundreds of Airdrops, which attract a new audience for the FLOW ecosystem, and actually mean a lot in the marketing strategy. It is one of the easiest ways to get an unlimited flow of new members. FLOW’s team really likes to use it so many times, but they are really good enough at launching it, with all the: CTA, Useful Terms and Conditions, Deadlines, Rules, and Announcing style.

Perfectly-drawn Technical Papers

You have to be convincing about your plans for the future and the right way to deliver information about implementing this ambitious goal with your team. Flow has a lot of specific numbers, research, and firm facts in their technical papers, so it calls for trust in the possibilities of this team.

Be honest with your audience because after marketing efforts to attract this audience to your placements, you must keep their attention on your solutions. Convert them from casual viewers to members of your community and ensure the highest level of LTV (lifetime value).

This was perfectly done from the FLOW’s team side. Just take a look at this accuracy that stands behind all paperwork;

Presence on Large Exchanges

Big exchanges have signed FLOW to their scope, and you can buy the FLOW token everywhere, making their marketing strategy so perfect because you have an ess to this crypto around.

Big Sharks Stand Behind FLOW

If you look at the scope of partners that cooperate with the FLOW blockchain, you can think, “Yes, such big guys as a16z, Venrock, and Coinbase Investments probably know what they invested in”. And you’ll be entirely right about that thought. Investors, builders, and even artists are just so important when looking at who participates in the FLOW ecosystem as investment partners.

The product that’s Worth It

Respect the whole FLOW team because they care about the product, and as a consequence, it helps marketing become better multiple times. Because if you’re building a solid marketing game based on a weak effect, it won’t have a long duration because you’ll eventually face reality and recognize your product is much worse than your promises in marketing.

You can check many examples about the scalability of FLOW blockchain and solving one of the leading problems about energy charging. And FLOW solved it perfectly and drew some comparison pictures that strengthened their marketing so powerful.

Product-first strategy is one of the best tools for marketing games, especially in crypto. And you can check how good it works for FLOW.


After deep research about FLOW’s marketing, we can admit that we’ve come through many marketing tips, hacks, and strategies you can use in your planning to scale faster. On Cryptorsy’s scale, it’ll be something around 8/10 (rate of FLOW marketing). Some places can be changed and modernized, but in general, FLOW’s team has built a challenging marketing game that delivers accurate results.

To build a leading crypto project, you must ensure the perfect launch in your marketing campaigns and draw a firm structure in your marketing fundamentals.

Cryptorsy’s team will be more than pleased to do that excellent job for you!

So, keep in touch!!
2022-11-24 14:36